Program will work without it and power plan won't change.
I just found another solution for Armoury Crate you can just delete Armour圜rate.UserSessionHelper. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to prevent Windows 10 from changing screen brightness automatically. If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop = checkedĪnd that should do it, it will force it to reset back to the balanced power plan no matter what ROG Gaming Centre tries to do. On most modern computers, Windows can automatically adjust the screen brightness based on the light of surroundings, your power plan or battery life. Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed = checkedħ.3. Allow task to be run on demand = checkedħ.2. 2.5 Solution 5: Modify Registry To Change Unattended Sleep Timeout. 2.3 Solution 3: Restore The Power Plan Settings.
2.2 Solution 2: Change Your Screensaver Settings. Under the Conditions tab > Make sure everything is unchecked hereħ.1. 2 SOLVED Windows 10 Keeps Going To Sleep 2.1 Solution 1: Run The Power Troubleshooter. Try changing the settings using the Advanced Power Options dialog box. Create a new action > Action = Start a program > Program/script = C:\Windows\System32\powercfg.exe > Add arguments = -s > OKĦ. Microsoft stores this in the registry and sometimes has problems storing in the registry.